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Comey Calls Firing Explanation 'Lies, Plain and Simple'
James Comey: Trump told 'lies, plain and simple' - BBC News
Comey on Trump’s explanation for his firing last month: "Those were lies plain and simple”
Comey: Administration spread ‘lies, plain and simple’
Former FBI director: Trump spread "lies, plain and simple"
James Comey: Donald Trump’s Public Defamations Of FBI Were ‘Lies, Plain And Simple’ | NBC News
James Comey's opening remarks | ABC News
Comey shreds Trump administration: 'Those were lies, plain and simple'
Is the President a "Serial Fabricator"? Fired FBI Director Comey Says Trump Repeatedly Lies
Comey had a clear message during his hearing: Trump is a liar.
Comey: Trump "lied" about FBI
WATCH: James Comey Describes What He Believes "Loyalty" Meant For President Trump (FNN)